MYP Programme

The IB Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) is a curriculum framework developed by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) for students aged 11-16 years. The programmes follows the Primary Years Programme and serves as an excellent preparation for the Diploma Programme.

About the MYP

In the MYP, learning is centred around understanding concepts through using Global Contexts. The concepts (Key and Related) are studied through generative units of work/Inquiry.

The Key Concepts help to develop knowledge and understanding within and across different subjects. They place no limits on breath of knowledge or on depth of understanding and are therefore accessible to every student. Inquiry into the MYP Key Concepts will help students further develop the meaning of these significant ideas in specific Global contexts. The Key concepts are explored throughout the curriculum, within different subject groups.

The MYP Key concepts are:

  • Change
  • Communication
  • Communities
  • Connections
  • Creativity
  • Culture
  • Development
  • Form
  • Global interactions
  • Identity
  • Logic
  • Perspective
  • Relationships
  • Time, place and space
  • Systems

The MYP identifies 6 global contexts for teaching and learning:

  1. Globalisation and Sustainabiliy: How is everything connected?
  2. Scientific and technical innovation: How do we understand the world we live in?
  3. Personal and Cultural expression: What is the nature and purpose of creative expression?
  4. Orientation in Space and Time: What is the meaning of “where” and “when”?
  5. Identities and Relationships: Who am I? Who are we? What does it mean to be human?
  6. Fairness and Development: What are the consequences of commun humanity?

Related Concepts are subject-specific ideas that are concepts which connect the key concepts and global contexts to the subject specific content.

At the International school of Älmhult we offer the following subjects:

  • Language acquisition: Swedish and French/Spanish (MYP 2 and up)
  • Language and literature: English and Swedish
  • Individuals and societies
  • Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Arts: Drama and Visual Arts (Optional in MYP4 and MYP5)
  • Physical and health education
  • Design (Optional in MYP4 and MYP5)

Across all subjects, MYP students also learn through approaches to learning (ATL) and Service as Action (SA).

Approaches to Learning

The Approaches to Learning (ATL) are a unifying thread though all the MYP subject groups. They provide the foundation for independent learning and encourage the application of knowledge and skills in unfamiliar contexts. These are the five ATL skill clusters that students work with and develop further through all their subjects:

  • Communication
  • Self-management
  • Thinking
  • Social
  • Research

Service as Action

Action is learning by doing and experiencing. Rather than purely learning in the classroom we encourage our students to go out in the community and to become caring members of the local and global community using the knowledge and skills they have learned in the classroom. Service as Action does not only give students the opportunity to connect to the world outside of the school context, but also to learn more about their own strengths and weaknesses.

At ISÄ Service as Action is connected to the learning in the classroom (MYP1-3), but also initiated by students themselves (MYP4-5). It is a core element of the programme that is managed by our SA coordinator. Students learning process and learning ourcomes are recorded in ManageBac.

Personal Project

In the final year of the MYP programme (MYP5), students are required to complete a Personal Project. In this independent project, the students demonstrate and integrate all they have learned throughout their years in secondary school with the support of a supervisor. The project consists of three components: a process journal, a product/outcome, and a project report.

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